
Woman after turning 30

Woman after turning 30

There is no surprise that many of the things change for a woman after turning 30. Of course everyone is different and for some the same things happen a little bit before, for some a bit later and for some they don’t even happen. But this is more an exception, as generally there are some changes in woman’s body and mind that start posing out after turning 30.

Let’s list the most often ones:


  • The gravity kicks in and some body parts are starting to go in different direction then you are used to. If you haven’t been working out before, now it should be a good time to start, as muscles starts to become more loose. You soon find out that you have your own pair of flags on the back of your upper arms and that the crucial parts such as your booty and breasts go more south. Easy and quick fix: at least start walking for half an hour per day.
  • Due to lower levels of oestrogen and slower collagen production, the skin starts to become less elastic, tight and it feels more rough on a touch. You might start thinking about some special treatments for your skin.
  • When you go out, you need to completely rest the next day. There is no such thing anymore as going out and not feeling big consequences the next day. Advise: If you go out, go on Friday, so that you have 2 non-working days ahead of you – one to relax and the second to do the things you intended to do in the weekend time.
  • For previously mentioned reason, that is lower estrogen levels, you might find out that you got some new hairs in the places that you really don’t want to have them, like on your boobs or even on your chin. Laser treatment can really do miracles here.


  • You start worrying less about what others will say or think of you.
  • Surprisingly, you start to think about saving money and you actually take some actions to achieve this new goal.
  • You slowly, but surely start with switching crazy Friday nights in some loud club, with cozy evenings, hanging out with friends at the comfort of your home.
  • Time becomes more important and you don’t want to waste any time for the things that you don’t need or truly want in your life.
  • You become more tough, but at the same time you get more tolerance for smaller things. While you don’t sweat much anymore about the small things in life, you also don’t have any tolerance for bullshit.
  • In the time that you spend with you family or friends you are discussing with them about your kids (if you have them), home appliances and about life topics.
  • I am not sure if this one is more related to mind or body, but I’ll just go ahead and list it here. You suddenly start to wake up at 6 or 7 in the mornings, even you’d like to sleep. But it seems that your busy mind is not letting you sleep as you have some many errands to do.
  • The family, especially your parents become more important as you become aware that time is flying and that you have very limited time left with them.

I am sure that everyone is experiencing ageing differently. No matter at what age you start to have more realisation about life, family or limitations of the time, the most important thing is to enjoy every given second that you have and spend your life with the people that you like and doing the things that you love. Don’t leave much space for the things and people that you don’t like.