The truths about life

Here we go with the very first post :-)

Here we go with the very first post :-)

This blog will be about life, real stories, examples, and challenges that we face in our life. The purpose of this blog isn’t to present the viewings only from one side or from my side but to neutrally think about the complexity of life and what would be really the best ways to deal with difficult situations, which we come across in life.

Many times we find ourselves in a difficult situation and sometimes stress and anxiety from it can paralyze our mind to think rationally. We must and I repeat, we must by any means always remain true to ourselves, no matter what situation or some person is expecting from us. We can’t afford to lie to ourselves because at the end we are the one person who we have to tolerate till the rest of our life, everyone else is really optional.

So, be the best friend to yourself, treat yourself, do what you love and do it because you love to do it, not because anyone is expecting you to do it. Here is where I can assure you that you will find the greatest happiness for yourself and when you do achieve it, you will see that everything else will just follow on its own. First, help yourself to be where you want to be and to be happy in life so that you will be able then to help others.