Every woman is longing for a touch from a real man and not only a touch, she is longing for the eternal feeling of the safety and protection provided by a real man. And in reality, even if it seems so complex to please a woman, the safety and protection are certainly the main factors to consider, in light of having happy and fulfilled relationship.
If you are a man reading this post, you will probably think now about the details of above statement. How to reach this point? How to employ all the steps and actions needed to reach this level of safety and protection? What exactly is expected from you? I suppose many questions will appear, and in the coming lines, I will explain all the details, how a woman sees a REAL MAN, who can satisfy her most important needs.
1. Be a leader

The same as a man, every woman has in her a survival instinct. If she needs to take an action for her survival, she will take it. And if she is alone, by alone, I refer to not be committed in a relationship, she will take the action and be her own leader, without feeling bad about it. When a woman is not committed, living on her own, she has no problem to take the action and be a leader. There are many women in the leader role, leading not only herself, but even a team or group of people, and women can be actually pretty good at it.
But, when a woman is sharing a life with a man, she wants him to be a leader. Not to bossy her around, but to have a clear direction of where he is leading them. Every woman wants to see her man as an action taker, with an evident direction of their journey. A woman wants to relax in his ride and feel his masculine power.
So, if there is a problem, an issue, obstacle… call it as you want, take the action. React immediately, seek for a solution and implement the action. But, do it now, immediately. Don’t wait for problems just to go away, take the action, take the control and solve it. It doesn’t mean that you have to do all the work by yourself, it’s about reacting and dealing with it. Don’t let your women solve your problems, you will gain with it only the opposite of respect.
2. Stay on a solid ground

We all like to dream and it’s completely okay to have dreams, but beeing only a dreamer and not standing on the solid ground, with the realistic image, it will not bring you and respect of a woman, it will show her only that you are not capable of fulfilling your dreams and the things that you love. Furthermore, it will show her that you don’t have a good judgment and clear line between dreams and reality. Be a dreamer, have the biggest dreams and do something in order to reach at least the part of those dreams.
Nothing good in life comes easy and it certainly doesn’t come on its own, so take the needed steps, even if the smallest ones to catch those dreams. Remember, everything in life is possible if you put an effort in it. If you want to have your own restaurant, beach shop of whatever that you feel it will make you happy in life, start working on it. Not tomorrow, not next week or month, when you solve your current issues, do it now. Start on the research, do the calculation, include her, take her opinion and it will not only be a first step of reaching the dreams but also it will show that you will stand firmly behind your philosophy and your dreams.
3. Keep your promise
For any woman, a real man always keeps his promises. If you are not sure whether you can keep your promise or not, don’t give it. Say that you will try, that you will do your best (and really do your best), but never and I repeat never make a promise that you can’t keep.
She will remember even the promise you made on your first date, a woman usually never forgets a promise made to her. Of course, there could be some exceptions, but I wouldn’t count on that.
4. Take good care of the home

A home of a real man in woman’s mind is never messy, not organized and having beer bottles or pizza boxes lying around. Woman sees the home of a real man tidy, organized and clean.
Sharing apartment or a house with a woman doesn’t mean that she expects you to wash the floor, do the ironing or clean the windows. A woman usually expects a small participation in maintaining the home nicely tidy and organized, such as cleaning things behind yourself, helping with organization and active participation in future plans for home arranging.
Let me tell you how a woman sees a man with a messy home. In the moment when she sees the image of messy home, she is thinking that if this man is not capable of taking care of material things, how in the world can he take care of me?
5. Stay focused

We all get distracted from many things, especially a good and fun things. Wouldn’t it be much more fun to stay up all night during a work week and have just and extra drink or two? Of course, it would be, but if you have plans for the morning, stay behind them. Stay in the fun zone as much as you feel, but in the morning make sure to get up, get dressed and do what needs to be done. No matter how you feel, how much did you sleep or how badly you want to stay in the bad. Get up and show that you stand behind your higher plans, no matter how much you can get distracted.
6. Cry, but please don’t feel sorry for yourself

Who said that real man doesn’t cry. Of course, they cry, but the main, important difference between being a just another man or a real man is in the action after putting your feelings out in the open. No one would feel safe and protected with the man who stays in the dark room for long days after something bad has happened and feeling sorry for himself.
We all do mistakes, we all fail in life, not just once, we fail on a regular basis and the failure is one of the key points towards the success. So, take the failure, accept it, embrace it and the most importantly, learn from it immediately. Take it as a good lesson and show that you can handle failure.
Show that even if you have feelings, and even if something hurt you and you cried, you will still put yourself together and do what needs to be done. Do you think that any woman wants to see some poor, unbridled little thing who is just feeling sorry for itself?Maintain your appearance
7. Maintain your appearance

It may surprise you, as you might say that the love and trust are not about looks, but how you look and how you are taking care of yourself, shows her how you will treat her.
Let’s be really honest with ourselves and admit to ourselves that we first need to put ourselves in the first place. Putting yourself above everything and everyone will help you discover very quickly who you really are and when you will do things in life, because you love them, not to please others, you will feel a great inner peace and power.
Reaching this stage of inner peace and power will enable to take good care of others, not a second before. You will need to feel good in your skin and take good care of your body. If you can’t take care of yourself, how can she trust you to take care of her?
In addition, a woman usually spends some time to look good and if she has besides her a man, who is messy, in old cloaths, showered couple of days ago, who will not bother to look nice for her, as she does for him, she will not appreciate it at all.
At the end, any man can be a real man, it’s just a matter of choice. How women see a real man is not complex at all, it just about a woman feeling feminine and for a man to feel masculine, that’s all that it takes to gain a huge respect and for a woman to feel safe.