
Be a woman, act like a woman

Be a woman, act like a woman

There is no doubt that woman and men are completely different. It’s like both are from different planets. However this doesn’t mean that they cannot find a common language. Of course they can, but it’s not the easiest job in the world.

There is many studies shown that the roles of men and woman should be clearly divided in a way that a woman can be a woman and man can be a man.

Maria, 38 years old mother of 3 beautiful kids, fully employed and sort of people pleaser. She fixes everything that needs to be fixed. If kids are having problems with school, she is there. If her husband is having financial issues, she will search for the way to fix it and she will fix it. She’ll work extra if she has to, just to fix his financial problems. Errands and work around the house, piece of cake for Maria, she can fix everything in no time. Installing new toilet seat, moaning the grass, buying groceries, nothing that Maria can’t handle by herself. If her colleagues at work are stuck with something, she can work extra hours and help them fix their issues. It seems that there is nothing that Maria can’t do.

But does Maria has the time or the energy to make herself feel like a woman? Does she has the time to do her nails, hair, makeup, workout or even something so basic as shaving her legs, to make her feel that she is nourished woman? You guessed it. No, she doesn’t. She puts her feelings at the last spot and she’ll never feel like a nurturished woman with high self-esteem.

Let’s look at Marcia. She is almost the same age as Maria, with 2 kids, full job, husband and a dog. When Marcia started to live with her husband, she sat with him and agreed what will be her responsibilities and what he will be responsible to take care of. They divided the home chores on man and woman chores and her husband takes care of everything at home that needs to be fixed, like installing new toilet seat, moaning the loan, fixing the home appliances. Marcia takes care of cleaning together with her kids and most importantly she takes the time that she needs for herself to make her feel like a woman and mother. She is always looking sharp, well rested and dressed, with appropriate makeup and a lot of energy. She doesn’t feel guilty when she takes the time or spends money to go to beauty saloon, as this is what is making her feel like a woman and making her feel good about herself. As the home chores are fairly divided between her and her husband, she has the time for kids, husband and herself. Everyone is happy.

Well, maybe in Marcia’s case, not everyone is happy as Marcia is not afraid to say no. Meaning that there will be some people not liking what Marcia refuses to do, but Marcia doesn’t stress about that too much. Her family is happy and most importantly she is happy, so she doesn’t care too much if she can’t fulfil the wishes of all other people. She understands well that you cannot make everyone happy and you can’t please everyone.

Let me ask you now. Who do you want to be, Maria or Marcia? Do you want to prove to yourself and everyone else that you can do anything or do you don’t feel that you need to act like a super woman and feel firstly satisfied with yourself?

We already know that (at least deep down inside ourselves) that anyone can be anything that one desires. We know that women can take also the man part and fix everything. Come on, it’s not a rocket science to fix the cabinet. You just put a little bit mind and effort in it and you can do what ever men can do. But, do you want to be drained out and to loose your femininity?

If you want to be like Marcia, to feel like a woman, to be treated like a respected woman, not loosing your feminity, then all you need to do is to put yourself in that position. Simple as that!