The truths about life

Everyone’s truth is truth

Everyone’s truth is truth

If you think that you can do something, than you probably can. If you think that you can’t do it, then you are also probably right. If you think that you see 6, then you see 6. But that doesn’t mean when other side is claiming to see a 9, that other side is wrong. Far from it.

People are different in so many ways and this is actually a good thing. Just imagine if we all would be alike. Not only it would be boring, but it would also mean that there would be so little of real development in any area of life.

Different people come from different circumstances, with different background beliefs and even genetic, therefore they see things from different perspective. That doesn’t mean that they are good or bad or that they are right or wrong, they just see things differently than maybe we do.

Sometimes the position where we are standing is showing completely different picture than it shows it to other side. Therefore, it’s important to at least try to see the situation from different angles. Try to imagine that you are in the shoes of other side and imagine what you would see. Before you do that, make sure that you clear your mind of any assumptions and expectations. Now, let’s say that your mind is completely cleared of cluster and free. What do you see when you are looking from other perspective? Is picture different? I would guess that it is.

We all often generate opinion based on something that we don’t fully understand and we do it probably because it’s the easiest way to do so. Usually it’s much harder to make the research, as it’s time consuming and it takes some effort.

Even if we spent all that time and effort to search for the truth, I would say it is still worth of it. Investing the time and effort in truth is never a waste. But a huge waste could be if we would believe in something just so that we can say that we are right and to feel content with ourselves. Blindly believing in something without even putting a bit of effort, can lead us to completely different path in life. Maybe it would be good, maybe bad. We don’t know. If we choose that specific beliefs to guide us in some direction, that direction will be our truth.

In what kind of truth we believe, is what matters to us. Our truth will be reflected in our coping with different conflicts, in raising our children and in choosing the “right” road on the crossroad. However, at least every once in a while, it’s good to revise our beliefs and to try to see things from other perspective. Most importantly, remember to value and respect other people’s opinion and truth, as their truth is also a truth from their perspective.