The truths about life

Being a best parent to your child

Being a best parent to your child

I am sure that we all want just the best things for our kids and that we all want to be the best possible parents to them. But, do you really think that there is such thing as a best possible parent?

What does ‘the best parent’ even mean? To teach your kids about life? To give them good lessons? To buy them what they want? To make sure that they get the best education? To let them do what they want and love? To protect them from bad?

Parenthood is a learning process, it’s a journey in which you learn about your kids and even about yourself. Becoming a parent, you get to hear many pieces of advice, from your parents, friends, colleagues, and media. But as people are so much different from each other, one solution will not work on all. What worked for your parents with you, may never work on your own kid.

In this learning journey, we discover along the way what we did wrong and what we did right. So there is no such thing as the best parent. You screw it up on this road many times, as no one can give you an exact guide of what you should do and your kid is not like all others. Each of them is a unique person, with their own ideas and mindset.

You need to be very open minded and learn how to listen to your child. See the signals and messages that he or she is sending to you and most importantly teach your kid to listen and to discuss his emotions.

Even teaching your kid how to listen and discuss emotions, how to solve issues, how to interact with people, it still doesn’t mean that you will be the best parent. You will still screw it up many times, you will try to be a friend instead of parent to your kid, you will even kill some of the kid’s dreams, but most importantly don’t aim to be the best parent to your kid, aim to seize the moment and enjoy the parenting role now, in this moment while it’s happening. There is no later, you will not be able to return back the time and you will never be able to repeat the moments which you’ve missed in your child’s life.

So, accept the failure in parenting, don’t try to prevent it by all means. We are all learning how to cope with each other, even the kids are learning how to deal with us.

The importance is in living the life with them, now as it happens, not in showing them only the lessons, not pretending for them to be something that you’re not. Show them the life, the real life and enjoy every single moment with them. You never know which moment can be the last one, so don’t postpone anything to later.