Don’t you wish sometimes to have a guide for life? A guide which would act like a magic ball and tell you exactly which decision to make in the certain situation. Not only which decision to make, but to show also a detailed process with the steps for implementation. Every single step would be defined, every barrier would have the right solution for salvation, every ‘wrong’ decision would be eliminated.
Let’s say that you found yourself in front of an important decision in your life. You have two job offers, and you have no idea which one to choose. Choosing just one means that you will never get to know, what would it be like if you would choose the second one in the first place. After you choose one of the options, you found yourself not happy in that position. You become angry, depressed and you start to believe that you made the wrong decision. But the second position is no longer available, and you feel even more desperation.
Now imagine, that just right before you would take such decision, the magic balls appear, with all its magnificence, shine, and knowledge. It tells you which decision to choose and it describes exactly all the reasons for such decision and at the end, it gives you a step-by-step process. Imagine that you implement all the steps correctly and you get the desired results. You have a fine position, impressive title, nice colleagues, good salary and you are happy with everything. Do you really think that you would be truly happy and for how long? This is the question that you need to ask yourself. Could it be that you would not feel such satisfaction, as this decision was not your own? After all, the magic ball was the one who told you what to do so the magic ball will be the one who will feel the victory and satisfaction of its solution, not you. You were just instructed exactly what to do, and you did it. Or you will lie to yourself, and congratulate yourself for achieving the success, as you were the one who implemented the steps? From your perspective, implementation also demanded a certain level of courage and strength, so why wouldn’t you be happy and feel that the credits for good results go only to you.
Now try to imagine, that this magic ball has to lead you for past 10 years, of even for all of your life and one day, the ball mysteriously just disappears. There is no sign of it and no lead where it went. You don’t know if this is only something temporary or if it will never return again. Feeling lost? How in the world will you be able to take the next decision when it appears? How will you know that the one you will take will be the right one? Who will list you all the advantages of the right decision? There is no one and you feel lost. There is no one to help you and to guide you. You would probably feel angry of the ball, as it abandoned you and left you all alone with your life. But the real question here is if you would be capable in that moment to take a good decision on your own. Would you be able to see on your own all the advantages and disadvantages of the choices that you would have? Let me tell you the truth, no you wouldn’t. Maybe you will deny it now and say that you are different, but you are not. After all this time, just following the orders or instructions that magic ball gave you, you would lose your ability for critical thinking, you would lose yourself and you would not even know who you really are or who you were meant to be.
Even having such a guide or magic ball, do you think that everything would work out perfect? Probably not, maybe you would found yourself even in a worse situation than you can imagine. Not only that, working and acting only by the rules of the guide or based on instructions that you receive, kills the ability to think critically, it kills the creativity and the strengths that you would gain from the lessons of your life. But at the end, there is no guide in life, life itself is a guide, it’s a journey in which we should act in a way that makes us feel fulfilled and happy.
So, at the end, you need to be aware that the real power is in you, in you only. You can’t rely on any guidance on any help from anywhere, as it may prevent you to be independent at making your own choices. You need to be well informed about everything and you need to make sure that you never stop spreading your horizons.
The real power is in you, you are the one who has the control of your life and you have the power to change any direction of your life. Having faith in yourself could be the most important thing in your life. Even if you fail, if you fail for hundred or million times, take the time for feeling sorry for yourself if you need it, but after that, get up and try again. Try harder, try in a different way, try until you reach your target.
Failure is a part of learning process, it’s a part of life and it shouldn’t be the reason to stop you from where you want to be. There is no shame in failing, but there is a shame if you don’t learn anything from it. These lessons may be hard sometimes, but they are the most precious thing in your life to keeping you improving yourself. Remember, everything is possible until you have faith in yourself. Don’t let anyone or any situation kill your passion for what you want to be.