The truths about life

Why smarter people seem to be more paranoid?

Why smarter people seem to be more paranoid?

Sometimes knowing a lot about everything can be more of a burden than a blessing. Having great knowledge has so many benefits that it’s hard to list them in one short post. Heck, it could be even hard to list them in one book. We don’t dispute that here. But having a great knowledge and being able to see things as they really are, with understanding the consequences before they happen, can also be a real pain in the ass.

Being a person who developed this abilities to always try to understand things as they are and to being able to extract the possible consequences in every situation, is in general, actually a good thing. At the same time when this person is doubting every situation and can understand that not everything is maybe quite as it seems, you have a really remarkable person infront of you. You can put that kind of a person in every situation and they will (more or less in this order):

  • Listen, learn or observe the situation, circumstances and environment
  • Filter and analyse the information, based on their logic and previous experiences
  • Decide how to act
  • And only then they will act

Again, I strongly believe that this kind of strategic approach is one of the best approaches for any problem solving situation, no matter if it’s a business decision, decision about raising your child, building a house, deciding which car to buy, etc.

When you put yourself in the position of this kind of a person, while this person is surrounded with people who never even thought about developing anything in themselves, you can imagine how hard for that person must be.

If you are dead, you are not hurt about it, others are. The same is when you are stupid – you don’t know that you are stupid, so you are not affected by it – others are, as they have to deal with you and your stupidity.

– unknown

Imagine someone who doesn’t try to understand the situation around him. He could be living in a house that it’s about to collapse, but he doesn’t even know that and he is completely content with his situation. He could be living a very happy life, just until the house collapses on his head. On another hand when we have someone who knows how to (and even desires to) extrapolate the important information, he’ll be maybe terrified about the situation as he’d understand that the house could collapse any time and not only cause the material damage, but also innocent lives of the people passing by. And when most of the people around you don’t really want to have deeper understanding of the situations evolving around them, you might have a problem.

It seems that it is very important who you surround yourself with. If you are the type of person who is very sensitive to details and who tries to understand every situation, then surrounding yourself only with people who don’t even bother to understand themselves, will make you look very arrogant. Surrounding yourself with people who make you fell comfortable and valuable member of society, could be the first step towards more content and fulfilled life.

If you surround yourself with 8 people who really make you content and fulfilled and with 2 who makes you anxious, you’ll be fine. If situation is vice versa – only 2 people who makes you feel comfortable and 8 who makes you anxious, then you’ll most probably turn very quickly into an arrogant dick (pardon me – I couldn’t find any better expression for that).

It’s hard to completely eliminate some people that makes us feel anxious, so we need to consider that those people exist just temporarily in given situation. Remember, you always need to deal with them for short period of time and knowing this should make you feel more patient and less arrogant when dealing with them.

So, being this kind of person (generally smarter one), you can quickly swim off to overanalysing every single detail in your life, especially when you are surrounded mostly with people who makes you feel anxious. People around you, will see you as paranoid, arrogant, but yet smart little thing. Even you will see yourself in the same way. It’s like when there is a disaster about to happen a smarter person will be able to foresee it, but “the not so smart one” will just carry on and not even feel the stress.